selain dari menjual coklat, terdapat kafe di sini dan kawasan untuk budak2 bermain di halaman

suasana dalam kedai..
Sebelum tu, ada sedikit maklumat sejarah tentang Swan Valley:
The Swan Valley is a geographical area situated between the Swan and Helena River confluence and Walyunga pool in the Darling Range. It occupies an area of 105 square kilometres.
When the Dutch explorer, Willem de Vlaming, ventured up the river as far as Perth in 1697, he noticed the large number of black swans there and named it the Swan River. Although the French travelled up the Swan River as far upstream as Whiteman Bridge in 1801 it wasn't until 1829, that European settlement occurred, following Captain James Stirling's exploratory voyage in 1827.
Initially the Swan River was the only transport route, and locations to settlers were long and narrow to give everyone a river frontage. The input of convict labour in the area between 1850 and 1868 was critical for the establishment of roads and the building of Barkers bridge and the Upper Swan bridge
The expansion of the railways in the 1880s, the increase of population in the 1890s after the gold rushes and European immigration saw the start of the subdivision of many of the large estates in the Valley in the 1900s.
After World War 1 various areas such as Herne Hill, Caversham, Millendon and Baskerville were used in soldier settlement schemes.
By the 1920s, the Swan Valley had achieved a position of clear dominance as a vineyard district, particularly for table grapes and dried fruit. Post World War 11 saw increasing importance on wine production and by 1979 there were 38 wineries in the Swan Valley.
With clay soil abundantly available, the brick industry, which had began in 1886, is still continued today by Midland Brick. Whiteman Park, which covers more than 4,000 hectares on the western side of the Valley , was officially opened in 1986.
The Swan Valley's rural nature is protected by the Swan Valley Protection Act of 1995 and is regarded as one of Western Australia's premier tourism regions, attracting an average of over 480,000 day-trippers each year.
Situated only 16 km from the Perth CBD, the area remains a renowned grape-growing region containing world-class wineries, restaurants, galleries and accommodation .

mountains of chocolate..

boleh tengok saja lah hehe


selain dr tu, cenderamata berupa mug, tshirt, buku memasak, apron dll pun ada dijual tp of coz la mahal

tempat tumpuan.. chocolate tasting

ada 3 jenis coklat iaitu dark choc, milk choc dan white choc. nak cedok perlu guna sudu. nak ulang amik 2-3 kali pun tak pe.. bole la amik dgn malu2 tp jgn cedok masuk plastik atau tupperware dah la :D

milk choc

dark choc and milk choc

ni yg dah siap pack. satu pack kecik ni harga agak mahal, $5 untuk 100gm

tapi dah susah2 datang beli 2 je la sbg kenangan dah dtg huhuhu..

Alamat :
The Margaret River Chocolate Company - Swan Valley
5123 West Swan RoadWest Swan WA 6055
Ph: (08) 9250 1588
Email: swan@chocolatefactory.com.au
Website : http://www.chocolatefactory.com.au/
wah best nyer gi choc factory....
ReplyDeleteada public transport ke umi nak ke sini? or mmg kena drive?
public transport mungkin ada. tp kalau nak pusing2 area swan valley ni lebih baik sewa kereta. kat sini byk kawasan tumpuan pelancong :)