Sori sehari dua ni jari2 'beku' sebab kesejukan, so malas nak menaip dan buat entry hehe... alasan mcm tu pun ada jugak ye, padahal bkn sejuk sgt pun. tak sampai tahap beku mcm Zul kat tasmania tu..siap pegi fishing lagi. ehehe.. so aktiviti lain selain membungkus, ialah asyik nak makan saja. bina badan.
kat bawah ni ialah ayam portugis atau peri2 chicken. hubby kata sedap mcm nando's. so jimat tak payah pergi ke nando's dah la. senang sangat ayam ni. bersihkan ayam, kelar2, lumur dgn pepper (pepper ni pandai2 tambah sendiri), serbuk paprika dan garam secukup rasa. lepas tu goreng dengan minyak sikit. agak2 masak dua2 belah, letak dalam tray dan tabur serbuk cili peri2.. bakar sampai masak. haa siap.. resepi asal ada chick pea dan roti berbagai lg tp rasa cam nak makan kentang so gaul sekali lah kentang tu dan bakar. siapp!! boleh pilih nak buat ikut resepi saya yg sempoi atau resepi asal kat bawah ;)
hasil ujikaji yang LAZAT :D |
gambar dari resepi asal
serves 4
prep 15 minutes
cook 15 minutes
4 chicken marylands
1/2 cup vegetable or olive oil
2 tablespoons smoked paprika
2 thick slices bread, crusts removed, coarsely torn
1/3 cup pitted green olives, sliced
2 teaspoons dried chili flakes
1 red onion, halved, thinly sliced
3 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves
2 tablespoons chopped dill
310g can chickpeas, rinsed
4 marinated char-grilled artichokes, quartered
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1. Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan forced. Using a sharp knife, score chicken several times. Brush chicken all over with 2 tablespoon of the oil. Sprinkle with paprika.
2. Heat a char-grill pan over moderate heat. Add chicken, skin-side down, then cook for 2 minutes or until browned. Turn, cook for 1 minutes more. Transfer to a heatproof plate.
3. Place bread and olives in a roasting pan. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of the remaining oil, toss to combine. Place chicken on top of bread mixture in pan. Sprinkle with chilli. Season. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden and cooked. Remove from oven. Transfer chicken to a heatproof plate. Cover with foil, rest for 5 minutes.
4. Add onion, tomato, herbs, chickpeas and artichokes to pan with bread mixture. Add remaining oil and juice, toss to combine. Season. Divide mixture among serving plates. Top with chicken. Serve.
yummy licious..terliur tgk :)
ReplyDeletetenkiu aleya. kalau dekat2, boleh ajak dtg mkn :)
Deletehhhmmm...sedapnye...akak nak try buat jugaklah..
ReplyDeletecubalah, mmg berbaloi sangat. nanti ada masa umi letak resepi asal yg lebih proper. ;)
DeleteAs salam Umi,
ReplyDeleteMarya teringin nak buat ayam panggang mcm ni tp kat umah ni hanya ade oven api bawah jek, huhuhuu... so pembakarannye tu xde kerak2... sy suka kerak2 sikit! Pergh...droooling... ;))
Salam Marya,
Deleteoven umi pun api bawah jugak. jgn risau sbb kalau goreng dulu mcm teknik di atas insyaallah mesti ada kerak2, jd sebijik cam yg umi buat tu. :D
Salam umi,
ReplyDeletewah lepas ni boleh order nandos dari perth...hehhehhe
Salam Dini..
Deleteboleh, no problem hehehehe
wauuu..mengancam tapi malas nak buat..order jek boleh? heheheh
ReplyDeleteala senang je su, lebih senang dr buat kek red velvet la.. nak order boleh, nanti nak pickup hari apa? :D
Deletepick up dlm dtg mlm ni tau kak umi :P
Deleteboleh boleh.. jgn lupa dtg tau mlm ni. nanti k umi pesan suruh kymba tapaukan :p
Deleteha, thanks kak ummi kongsi resepi. boleh la najwa try :)
ReplyDeletesama2 najwa.. trylah sbb mmg sedap mcm nando's. :)