Pelbagai gerai dan aktiviti.. tp taklah banyaknya.. kebanyakannya datang sbb ada free halal sausage sizzle, and also free fruit and drinks!
Aktiviti yg diadakan ialah menconteng, persembahan muzik, tarian dan nyanyian, face painting dan aktiviti untuk kanak2.
tengah tunggu diorang setup |
free fruits! sempat lagi adik ni posing hehehe |
free sausage |
seronok la budak2 ni dah lama tertunggu2 nak datang sini mkn hotdog |
jom menconteng / melukis |
mari belajar main cemeti.. woo bukan senang oo silap2 bantai diri sendiri. susah rupanya kalau jd zorro ni kan? :D |
beratur mengambil makanan |
pony ride |
hasil kerastangan. abg ni tau lukis kereta je kerjanya. siap ada cameraman dtg shoot lagi |
budak rambut panjang |
khemah untuk menepuk dan membelai binatang hehehe |
alpaca yg gebu dan montel |
comel kambing ni boleh bawak balik sekor ni |
budak rambut panjang and billy goat |
mulut comot mkn sausage.. ehh ada pulak yg dtg nak mintak makanan |
Old Macdonald's travelling farm. free entry tp donate some coins untuk amik feed |
tempat persembahan muzik dan tarian |
this girl, her name is madhu dtg cari saya 2 kali nak ajak budak rambut panjang buat face painting :p |
entah kenapa lah dia nak sangat lukis muka budak rambut pjg ni |
hasilnya.. hehehe
What is Harmony Day?
Harmony Day is celebrated around Australia on 21 March each year. It's a day when all Australians celebrate our cultural diversity. The day is also the United Nation's International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Harmony Day is managed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and gives people the opportunity to celebrate what makes each Australian unique and share what we have in common.
The continuing message for Harmony Day in 2012 is that Everyone Belongs, which means all Australians are a welcome part of our country, regardless of their background. It's a time to reflect on where Australia has come from, recognising the traditional owners of this land. It's also about community participation, inclusiveness and respect – celebrating the different cultures that make Australia a great place to live.
DIAC supports a range of community events and activities held to celebrate Harmony Day by providing free promotional products.
Harmony Day began in 1999 and since then, a wide variety of groups including sports organisations, community groups, local, state and federal government agencies, schools and businesses have staged more than 25 000 Harmony Day events.
Over the years, Harmony Day has grown in popularity as Australians have made the day their own.
In 2012, we will celebrate the important role that sport plays in bringing together Australians from all walks of life to share in a common passion with the message Sport — play, engage, inspire. The aim is to encourage everyone, regardless of background, to participate in a sporting activity, increase understanding and to be inspired or inspire others.